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Your Adoption Journey

Debbie's Story

Saw your adoption journey and had to thank you for letting me see the "other side of the coin" - the adoptee's side...  I am a birth mother who gave my son up for adoption in 1971.  I am white and the father was black.  My parents wanted nothing to do with the baby and gave me an ultimatum that if I kept the baby they would have nothing to do with me.  I reluctantly gave him up because at 17 years old I did not know what else to do.  The adoption agency told me that i would NEVER NEVER NEVER see him or have any contact with him for the rest of my life.  I believed them. 

My adopted son found me last year and it has been truly a blessing. 

I did not realize - until I saw your show - the pain and emotions he went through in making his decision to find me. I only knew all the emotions from  "my side".   Thank you.  It makes me appreciate him and realize what he went through !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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