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Your Adoption Journey

Evelyn's Story
Hi my name is Evelyn Torres and I am 26 years of age. I was born May 9, 1981. My story is a little different, I  was not supposed to be put up for adoption. My mother gave birth to me in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and my mother and father both made the choice to have my father's mother raise me. I guess they felt they could not raise me. At the age of 2, I was removed from my home by the division of youth  family services as they discovered I was being sexually abused by my 15 year old uncle. It had been going on since I was the age of one. I was removed and taken to the hospital were they also found out I was being raped by the same uncle. I was removed and spent the remainder of my time in foster homes were I was taken out many times do to physical and sexual abuse. I finally, at the age of 6 was taken to a group home which was called The New York Foundling Hospital located in Manhattan, New York. I resided there until the age of 8 and a half were I was adopted by the most amazing woman in the world. I have been happy living with my adopted mother for the past 18 yrs and also have a child of my own. I have been on a search for my birth mother or father for the last 4 years and have had no luck yet but I will continue my search and hopefully I'll find them. I have tried writing to all the talk shows and still have had no response yet but It Will Not Stop Me from trying. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.  
May God Bless You.....
Yours Truly,
Evelyn Torres

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